Building the data and digital innovation infrastructure for the European Green Deal


IAAI GloCha and Climate Chain Coalition team members visited 13th of January the European Commission DG CONNECT Blockchain and Digital Innovation Unit to discuss cooperation potentials towards the development of a global data and digital innovation infrastructure for climate action, building on the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure and other blockchain and digital innovation programs of the EU.

An important topic has been also the recent creation of the Climate Action Working group of INATBA (International Association for Trusted Blockchain Applications) which is being led by the co-chair of the Climate Chain Coalition, Tom Baumann and in which Miroslav Polzer is leading the D2I2 (Data and Digital Innovation Infrastructure for multistakeholder climate action coordination and incentivization) sub-group.

14th of January 2020 the Climate Chain Coalition delegation, comprising Tom Baumann, Miroslav Polzer, Alexey Shadrin (, Jo Bronckman (FIBREE), Fran Benedito (Climate Trade) and Harald Rauter (Climate KIC) attended a Think Tank meeting on „Blockchain Technology for the European Green Deal and the SDGs“ at the premises of the European Economic and Social Committee, organized by European Partners for the Environment.

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On 15th January D2I2 team members Jo Bronckers and Miroslav Polzer attended a European Blockchain Services Infrastrcuture (EBSI) self-sovereign identity use case stakeholder meeting, learning about the functioning and governance of EBSI.

Youth Climate Action Innovation @ COP25

IAAI GloCha continues to work with outstanding youth climate action leaders, YOUNGO, ECOS, Earth Day Network, UNFCCC Action for Climate Empowerment programme, Climate KIC Young Innovators Programme,, Blue Planet Roundation and many other initiatives on youth empowerment for climate action with culture, technology and organizational innovation.

Watch the IAAI press conference on Youth Climate Action Innovation for more details:


GloCha collaboration continues with strengthened Education, Communication and Outreach Stakehodlers Community

The Climate Change Education, Communication and Outreach Stakehodlers Community (ECOS), which has been co-founded by IAAI GloCha in November 2017 at COP26 has become an important network in global capacity building for climate action.

At the UN Climate Change Conference COP25 in December 2019 in Madrid, IAAI strengthened its ties with ECOS with a joint ECOS & DICO reception on innovative non-state actors‘ engagement in climate action, generously sponsored by IAAI COP25 delegation member Henk Rogers (Blue PLanet Foundation).

Furthermore IAAI hosted the COP25 press conference of ECOS, which can be watched here:

Climate Action Digital Innovation Community Formed at COP25

IAAI GloCha in cooperation with the Climate Chain Coalition led the formation of the Climate Action Digital Innovation Community (DICO)at the UN Climate Change Conference COP25 in December 2019 in Madrid to facilitate the networking, capacity building and cooperation within the UN climate action governance processes and programs (UNFCCC, Agenda2030, et al.). Digital innovation here is understood in its broadest terms, including general infromation and communication technology like mobile communication technology and earth observation, but especially also so called 4th industrial revolution/ emerging technologies like blockchain/DLT, Artificial intelligence (AI), internet of things (IoT). DICO evolved from the Climate Chain Coalition (CCC) with CCC members being starting points and important building blocks of DICO. DICO’s initial flagship initiative are (1) D2I2 – Innovation Infrastructure for People and Planet powered by Data and Digital Technology and (2) COP26 Digital Innovation pavilion. Focal points: Tom Baumann (CCC) & MIroslav Polzer (IAAI GloCha)

Coordination and networking among DICO members has been organized in daily morning meetings. On 10th of December one of these IAAI CCC DICO morning meetings has been devoted to the formation of a joint Climate Action Working Group by CCC and INATBA (International Association for Trusted Blockchain Applications) (see photo above)

Blockchain for Climate Action Accounting and Entrepreneurship

Join us! – Blockchain for Climate Action Accounting and Entrepreneurship public networking event in the context of the #NYCClimateWeek and #UNClimateSummit 2019

Climate Chain Coalition, IAAI GloCha and Yale Open Labs are hosting a public networking event to present the vision for a Global Climate Action Data Center and an Open Climate Data platform to facilitate entrepreneurship and broad collaboration among all relevant stakeholders and in order to mobilize resources, including climate philanthropists for the creation of the technological infrastructure for multi-stakeholder engagement in climate action.

Further information and registration:

IAAI GloCha at COP24

  • official side event, press conference and exhibit booth with Climate Chain Coalition & City of Goyang (South Korea)
  • Youth, Music and Climate Action event at the Nordic Pavilion, 3rd December 17.00 CET
  • Education, Communication and Outreach Stakeholders (ECOS) & GloCha morning meetings, 10.00 – 11.00 AM, room Warmia
  • City Climate Olympics task force meeting (5 December, 13.30)
  • Global Climate Action Center Design Competition launch, 13 December, 17.00h, Press conference room Katowice
  • Energy Transition & Digital Finance / Climate Entrepreneurship initiative
  • #GiveYouthAChance Climate Philanthropy initiative
  • Climate Action in Lake Chad Basin Region (preparations for event @ African Union permanent mission to the UN in New York in September 2019)

#GiveYouthAChance – Climate Action Philanthropy meeting at the Bay Aquarium in San Francisco on 14th September 9-11.30 AM

Young people are important change agents and need to be engaged in climate action as a special group of so called non-state actors. To be able to help the world to implement the Paris Agreement and to achieve the Sustainable development goals of Agenda2030, young people need concrete engagement opportunities, they need intellectual and financial resources/incentives and they need access to information and communication technology tools which connect local action with global goals and incentives.

The multistakeholder partnership GloCha is spearheading global large scale resource mobilization for the creation of the institutional and technological infrastructure for youth empowerment for climate action with its initiative #GiveYouthAChance Call for Resource for Youth Climate Action (campaign flyer: which has been launched at the United Nations Climate Change conference COP22 in Marrakech in November 2016 (more info: and elaborated further at the .climate conference COP23 in Bonn in November 2017 (more info:  

photo: #GiveYouthAChance Call for Resources for Youth Climate Action launch at COP22;

As the climate action leaders of the world are gathering at the California Global Climate Action Summit #GCAS2018 in San Francisco 12-14 September 2018 GloCha is providing a unique opportunity for wealth holders from around the world to meet, to demonstrate leadership in philanthropy and social imapct investment, and to make a bold announcement which will be heard by the whole world regarding Building the Resource Base for Multistakeholder Climate Action.

On 14th September 2018 9.00-11.00 AM PST GloCha Foundation New York and partners (e.g. Earth Day Network, UNESCO Management of Social Transformation Programme, Unify.Earth, .. ) are organizing an exclusive meeting at the Bay Aquarium at which resource holders will have a chance to explore with leading climate action leaders and youth representatives which philanthropy or social impact investment interventions would deliver the highest impact and coordinate actions in a synergetic manner:

  • youth empowerment for climate action programs (participation in climate governance, education and climate entrepreneurship resources) , in cooperation with leading youth climate action organizations (see COP23 press conference video)  
  • (blockchain technology based) information and communication technology infrastructure for multistakeholder climate action (a list of priority projects will be elaborated at the GCAS affiliate event on 11th September ( 
  • a global climate education and communication platform (context to be presented by NOAA climate education expert Frank Niepold)
  • climate museum (concept to be presented by the SF Bay institute)
  • gamification: City Climate Olympics 
  • crowdfunding for a (GloCha) Global Climate Action Center in NYC 

If You would like to receive an invitation to the event, please send an email with an explanation on how you would like to contribute to the success of the event to