GloCha Contest 2024 – Creating the Future with Music and Art

Calling all visionaries, artists, inventors, innovators, musicians, storytellers, visionaries – calling them all help our leaders, our communities, our UN to master the challenges of our time


  • International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges IAAI GloCha in partnership with UN Habitat Youth Programme, UN Environment Early Warning and Data Analytics branch, and other partners


  • launch press conf 10th June (
  • submissions page opens July 1st 2024 – link will be available here
  • submissions page closes: 20th August 2024
  • public voting period: 1st August – 1st September 2024
  • Jury voting 3rd – 8th Sept 2024 at the GloCha convention/festival in Austria
  • announcement of winners at a GloCha & UN Habitat & UNEP conference and exhibit at UN HQ NY with live broadcasting on UN WebTV on 19th September 2024
  • celebration of winners at the UN Climate conference COP 29 in November 2024 in Baku/Azerbaijan (event at IAAI’s COP29 Digital Innovation Pavilion, official side event, official COP29 press conference)


Our artists, our musicians, our storytellers are our visionaries who hold the magic ingredient to move humankind into creating positive change, building a thriving future for all life on earth.


Inspiring and mobilizing, with the power of culture, people everywhere for collaborative action for the common good in the context of UN Sustainable Development Goals, the UN Summit of the Future 2024 and the UN Climate Change Conference COP29.

Building with the Global Challenges Action network GloCha a global partnership and ecosystem of various stakeholders, who join forces for local, citizens/youth focused, global goals action empowerment with culture, technology and organizational innovation.

Awards – 3 Main Awards

Future Creator Visual Art Award  (2500 USD prize money + participation in events in NY, Carinthia/Austria or Baku/ Azerbaijan, depending on availability of funds and environmental footprint considerations)

Future Creator Music Award (2500 USD prize money + participation in events in NY,  Carinthia/Austria or Baku/ Azerbaijan, depending on availability of funds and environmental footprint considerations)

DigitalArt4Climate 2024 Award (2500 USD prize money + participation in events in NY,  Carinthia/Austria or Baku/ Azerbaijan, depending on availability of funds and environmental footprint considerations)

Additional Awards & Opportunities for Partnerships

The GloCha (Global Challenges) Music and Art contest design offers the opportunity to create multiple categories, sub-categories and individual galleries, based on thematic, geographic or other criteria, which enables the introduction of additional awards.

IAAI GloCha is inviting potential partners like e.g. cities, NGOs, thematic networks, universities et al. to get in contact with us (email to to explore potential additional award categories, resources for awards, procedures for identification of winners and other potential collaboration towards local global goals action empowerment.

Tentative list of additional awards:

  • DigitalArt4Climate Japan Award – in partnership with Earth Day Network Japan and the Music4SDGs initiative
  • AI generated content award – in partnership with the ITU AI for Good programme
  • Indigenous Futures Award
  • City Challenge Award (award name tbd) – in partnership with UN Habitat youth programme, stakeholders from the “EU Mission for Climate Neutral and Smart Cities” member city Klagenfurt/Austria, Climate KIC / the NetZeroCities network (to be confirmed)
  • GloCha festival audience award – based on voting of on-site and online audience of edutainment show at the GloCha festival 2024 on 6th Sept.
  • Science into storytelling award – in partnership with UN Environment Early Warning and Data Analytics branch

Link for Expression of Interest for Partnerships / Additional Awards

Identification of Winners through a combination of public voting and jury voting

  • Public voting: 20 – 31st of August 2024
  • Jury voting 3rd – 8th Sept 2024 at the GloCha convention/festival in Austria
  • announcement of winners at a GloCha & UN Habitat & UNEP conference at UN HQ NY with live broadcasting on UN WebTV on 19th September 2024

Digital Art / Web3 technology / Resource Mobilization Innovation

Web 3 technology (blockchain, Distributed Ledger Technology) enables the creation of uniquely identifiable digital assets (Non-Fungible Tokens / NFTs) based on creative assets (images, videos et al.). IAAI GloCha has developed in the context of the Action for Climate Empowerment Project ACE_AT the DigitalArt4Climate programme as a creative economy and climate philanthropy framework to harness the potentials of Web3 /NFT technology to mobilize resources for youth and local communities focused climate action empowerment

IAAI GloCha will work with those GloCha Music and Art Contest 2024 participating artists and award partners, who are interested to develop with us Web3 technology based resource mobilization programs, but this will not be a prerequisite for participation in the GloCha Music and Art Contest 2024.

Community/Partnership Building and Jury Voting at the GloCha Festival/Convention

IAAI GloCha is inviting partners and creators to a series of workshops, games, edutainment activities and community/partnership building at the 1st GloCha CoCreation Festival, which will take place 3-8 Sept 2024 (venue: Youth Camp Kinderland / Turnersee (map) & Cultural center DANICA (map).

We connect creative community and youth with UN programs and goals – References:

To learn about GloCha, watch our GloCha Bonn Climate Conf 2024 press conference video: