10 October 2020
15.00 – 16.30h – TEDxGloCha Countdown Presentations Session
17.00 – 19.00 TED Countdown Global Launch watchparty
19.00 – 22h TEDxGloCha Green Drinks Sessions
Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Neuer Platz 10/I (joint office: SKS – AACC – IAAI) &
Streaming platforms: Streamyard (Youtube, facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, ..) & zoom
Registration: https://forms.gle/DCzdmNnxC7syN92v6
About the event:
We are living in turbulent times. On the one hand the COVID19 pandemic has shaken our societies and economies and scientists predict that the potential of climate change to disrupt our societal and economic structures is even bigger. On the other hand new thinking and digital innovation enable new forms of local and global cooperation for the public good in times of uncertain futures.
One such story of new thinking and digital-innovation empowered global multi-stakeholder collaboration, is the initiative GloCha, with GloCha standing for Global Challenges as the common denominator of all human beings and future generations being bound together in a community of destiny that is on its way towards more sustainable, just and future proof societal organization with culture, technology and organization, initiated by the United Nations accredited civil society organization IAAI, based in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee in Austria.
TEDxGloCha is using the momentum of the global launch of the TED Countdown initiative for mass mobilization for climate action (https://countdown.ted.com) to present – in line with the TED slogan: “Ideas worth Spreading” – GloCha as the new transformative and inspiring story and collaboration framework, that is going to empower citizens, youth and communities to take meaningful and rewarding climate action, achieving climate neutral lifestyles (= a #GoodLife) and thus giving hope for the future.
Taking place exactly 100 years after the referendum on the future of Carinthia https://carinthija2020.ktn.gv.at/EN TEDxGloCha is going to demonstrate its solutions for the creation of digital local and thematic communities in Kärnten/Koroška/Carinthia and its blockchain technology based resource mobilization mechanism “Cryptostamps” as pathways and tools towards civic engagement and future proof societies based on new ethical standards for civic engagement and climate neutral lifestyles (= #GloCha #GoodLife).
15.00 – 16.30h – TEDxGloCha Countdown Presentations Session
Music performance
Welcome interview of the moderators with event organizer and partners
Part 1 – The State of the World (3 keynote presentations)
- Youth voices on the state of the world – Rebecca Hardenbrook & Ali Mustafa (Generation Next youth network)
- Lučka Kajfež Bogataj – planet under pressure: state of the world: scientific perspective
- John Crowley, UNESCO Management of Social Transformations Programme – What is a good life and what is a good community in times of climate emergency?
Part 2 – Action Potentials for the Climate Emergency in Kärnten/Koroška/Carinthia and Alps Adriatic Neighbourhood
- Keynote presentation: Hanzi Tomažič: 2020: A good Time to re-think thinking and social structures in Kärnten/Koroška/Carinthia
- What are we as Carinthians able and willing to contribute to the global response to the climate emergency? Activating and empowering civil society and youth – Sabrina Schifrer & Zukunftsfest 2013 video screening
- Innovation leader from Kärnten/Koroška/Carinthia
Part 3 – GloCha: Pathways and digital tools towards a #GoodLife and future proof communities
- Alexey Shadrin – Blockchain Technology, Digital Collectibles/Cryptostamps and digital finance
- Miroslav Polzer – GloCha What? The Next Big Thing in Climate Action Empowerment Made in Kärnten/Koroška/Carinthia
- Presentation of GloCha cryptostamps plans
- GloCha Carbon Footprint Compensation Cryptostamp 2020 &
- Kärnten/Koroška GloCha digital community cryptostamp
- Distribution of free cryptostamps to TEDxGloCha Countdown event participants
- Invitation to TED Countdown Watch Party at 5 PM and Green Drinks sessions at 7 PM

17.00 – 19.00 TED Countdown Global Launch watchparty
(on zoom platform)
GloCha Green Drinks Sessions
(on zoom platform)
For a warm-up each speaker will be asked to say 3 words that come to their mind when thinking of the future, we will ask people what kind of music they would like to hear and try to find and play it during the informal session, while networking and developing action plans
7 PM Slovenian
exploring option to create digital thematic community of Carinthian Slovenes on GloCha platform for the promotion of future competencies of members of the ethnic community and resource mobilization
8 PM German
Exploring options for setting up a digital local community Kärnten/Koroška/Carinthia for the advancement of sustainable, multi-linguistic and open minded society through technology enhanced civic engagement and digital finance
9 PM English
Youth climate action empowerment digital thematic community
Registration: https://forms.gle/DCzdmNnxC7syN92v6