GloCha Global Challenges Foundation New York – www.glocha.org
Climate Chain Coalition – www.climatechaincoalition.io
Evercity – https://evercity.io/
INATBA – International Association for Trusted Blockchain Applications https://inatba.org/
IAAI Klagenfurt – www.glocha.info
Event Theme and Aims:
The global climate emergency requires new thinking, new tools and new arrangements for multi-stakeholder cooperation on the international as well as on the local level that will empower all of society to become engaged in climate action in a meaningful and rewarding manner. Blockchain technology and digital finance are key enablers of climate action tracking, accounting, coordination and incentivization and are therefore the theme of this virtual event in the context of the Climate Week NYC 2020, which aims to
- present the Climate Chain Coalition www.climatechaincoalition.io, the Climate ActionWorking Group of the International Association for Trusted Blockchain Applications (INATBA, https://inatba.org/) and the Digital Innovation Community in the context of the UNFCCC process (https://unfccc-cop25.streamworld.de/webcast/iaai-briefing-digital-innovation-community) as some of the leading multi-stakeholder networks in this field
- provide insights on trends and recent developments in the field of blockchain technology and digital finance for climate action
- present concrete digital finance tools and citizens’/youth climate action empowerment solutions, developed by the event organizers and their partners, like digital green bonds/digital SDG bonds & the digital SDG finance bulletin (Evercity.io, CCC digital finance team) and individual climate action dashboard platform and app, including digital badges/cryptostamps and a global citizen’s climate action registry (GloCha, CCC EU and D2I2 team leader)
- provide a showcase for other global leaders in digital finance and blockchain for climate action empowerment to present their work and solutions
- provide an open space for networking of solution providers, technology users, researchers and civil society
Moderator: Kristina Lucrezia Cornèr, Cointelegraph
I – Welcome
- Tom Baumann, co-chair CCC & co-chair INATBA Climate Action WG
- Miroslav Polzer, GloCha Fdt NY & IAAI, CCC EU & D2I2 Team lead
- Alexey Shadrin, Evercity.io & CCC Digital Finance Team Leader
- Marc Taverner, Executive Director of INATBA
II – Thematic Introduction blockchain technology and digital finance for climate action
Marianne Haahr, Sustainable Digital Finance Alliance (video message)
Simon Zadek, Head, Secretariat, Secretary General’s Task Force on Digital Financing of the SDGs, Executive Office of the Administrator United Nations Development Programme
Monique Bachner – Co-Chair, Governance Working Group INATBA Blockchain and digital finance for climate: governance issues & the role of INATBA
III – Blockchain and digital finance tools for climate neutral cities and citizens
(presentation of solutions, developed by the event organizers and their partners)
Alexey Shadrin, (Evercity.io, CCC digital finance team leader), digital green bonds/digital SDG bonds
Miroslav Polzer, (GloCha, IAAI, CCC EU & D2I2 team leader, INATBA CA WG D2I2 subgroup leader), individual climate action dashboard, digital badges/cryptostamps & global citizens’ climate action registry for citizens’/youth climate action empowerment (presentation)
Jo Bronckers, FIBREE, INATBA Real Estate WG – Unique Object Identification (video),
Yunus Arikan – pilot project implementation partner ICLEI https://iclei.org/ and announcement of the CCC – GloCha – ICLEI side event to the Daring Cities conference on 22 October
IV – Other climate finance and digital innovation for climate action empowerment leaders
Martin Wainstein, Yale Open Innovation Lab – Open Climate Collabathon & Hyperledger Climate Action & Accounting (CA2) Special Interest Group (SIG)
Andrew Eil – Focal Point – Climate Investment Platform &Climate Finance Specialist Sub-Team: Energy, Bureau for Policy and Programme Support, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Xiaochen Zhang, Fintech4Good
Raymond van Ermen, European Partners for the Environment
Pierre Telep, African Development Bank
Elliot Chun, Emergents @Weild & Co.
Joseph Pallant, founder, Blockchain for Climate Foundation
Vienna Looi, winner of the UN Reboot the Earth Hackathon, COALA.global, Stanford Zero Degree Project, Economic Space Agency, GloCha Digital Innovation Advisor