Citizen Science & Web3 Technology enabled Governance Innovation: Challenges Mapping and Local Pacts for the Future
A hybrid event, held in the context of the UN STI Forum 2024, the UN Civil Society Conference 2024 and preparations for the EU Sparks for Climate Citizens Hackathon Championship Klagenfurt.
Date and time:
8th May 10 AM EDT (New York) / 4 PM CEST (Klagenfurt) / 5 PM EAT (Nairobi)
hybrid event with speakers joining from Nairobi/Kenya (UN Environment Early Warning and Data Analytics Branch meeting room at UN Office Nairobi ) – Klagenfurt/Austria (IAAI Office)
with live and on-demand broadcast on UN WebTV and on IAAI GloCha Youtube channel
At the side event the organizers will present programs and tools, like e.g. the Challenges Mapping methodology and Web3 Technology enabled Local Pacts for the Future as concrete examples on how science, technology and innovation can be harnessed to accelerate progress towards Sustainable Development Goals implementation, climate action empowerment and multilevel multi-stakeholder governance innovation.
The solutions have been developed by the UN accredited civil society organization IAAI and its partners in the context of the GloCha Global Challenges Action Empowerment partnership in the context of preparations for the UN Summit of the Future 2024. The program will include also presentations on deployment of digital innovation solutions for Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) in Kenya, an outlook on the 9th edition of the International Youth Conference (IYC) and IYC’s „informal Youth Summit of the Future“ initiative, citizen/youth engagement in the context of the One UN Map programme of the UN Environment Early Warning and Data Analytics branch, the DeclarActions and mapping capacity building of the UN Habitat Youth programme and the EU Sparks for Climate Citizens Hackathon Championship.
The side event will be held as a hybrid event.
Welcome session:
- Miroslav Polzer, IAAI GloCha Office in Klagenfurt (moderator)
- Shurabe Mercado Guido, International Youth Conference (IYC) and Member of the Intergenerational and Youth Subcommittee of the UN Civil Society Conference 2024
- Alex Caldas, UN Environment Early Warning and Data Analytics Branch, UN Office Nairobi
- Doug Ragan, UN Habitat Youth Programme – UN Office Nairobi
- Caroline Ouko, Centre for Training and integrated Research in ASAL Development (CETRAD), Kenya
- Ali Sayed Mustafa, International Youth Conference – virtual (to be confirmed)
Presentation of the Challenges Mapping Framework and Local Pacts for the Future:
Miroslav Polzer – intro (UN STI Forum, Summit of the Future, GloCha solutions for systemic change: CMT & Local Pacts for the Future, EU Sparks for Climate Citizens hackathon
Hossein Hassani – Presentation of the Challenges Mapping Tool & INTERREG Central Europe project JETforCE context
Achieving more through collaboration:
Alex Caldas, UN Environment Early Warning and Data Analytics Branch
- Dr Richard Munang upscaling the citizen science for Global Environmental Monitoring and Early Warning for the Environment (10 min)
- Me Yigang Li, Upscaling One Map for One Humanity through data, impact and resources focused citizens / youth engagement
Joao Pita Costa, International Research Center for Artificial Intelligence IRCAI, Ljubljana/Slovenia
Nena Dokuzov, Ministry of the Economy, Tourism and Sport, Slovenia
Domenico Vito, HubZine Italy – Trash2Treasure Digital Innovation and Citizens‘ Engagement for a Sustainable World

Miguel Ángel García Fuentes, Barrabes (to be confirmed) – EU Sparks for Climate Citizens Hackathon Championship
Christina Stevens, REvolution Love / GloCha
Context info: Challenges Mapping paper (work in progress) for the GLOBALGOALS2024 conference in Utrecht/NL, August 2024 „Dynamization of SDGs Implementation with Citizen Science, Challenges Mapping and Local Pacts for the Future„

Our GloCha transformative idea for the GLOBALGOALS2024 conference is, to build a global conceptual framework and reporting standard for the identification, localization and specification of challenges with citizen science and web3 technology tools. We (IAAI GloCha) have developed a first MVP (minimum viable product) digital tool in the context of the EU INTERREG Central Europe project JETforCE (Just Energy Transition for Central Europe) and we are working with the UNEP Early Warning and Data Analytics department as well as other partners on the next generation of the tool, which will include self-sovereign digital identity (Global Challenges Action ID for individuals and private and public organisations), taxonomy and ontology for global challenges data management and analytics, a framework for unique identification of challenges, ChallengesID based challenges community building, a global challenges action registry for the documentation, verification and certification of actions and created impact and an individual SDGs and climate action app on which contributions to global challenges are being managed as digital badges/certificates/Web3 tokens. Based on this challenges mapping citizen science and knowledge collaboration platform, members of challenges communities (including public authorities on different levels of governance) can enter into web3 technology supported give-and-get relations – „local pacts for the future“, a governance innovation that IAAI has submitted to the UN in the context of consultations for the UN Summit of the Future 2024 and preparations for a „Global Pact for the Future“ and which will also be made available as a digital tool in support of citizens‘ engagement programs of the EU Climate Pact.